Vintage-Inspired Pre-Nup Idea in Cebu

One Saturday in November of 2012, I woke up early despite sleeping very late the night before, lugged my big plastic box of clothes and shoes, and traversed to midtown Cebu to meet up with one of my dearest friends, a highschool classmate, to assist her in their pre-nuptial photoshoot.  I think I was as excited (or maybe even more!) as the bride-to-be.  This would be the first time I’d style a prenup photoshoot and I was eager to meet the team behind RockPaperScissors.

  1. Vintage-inspired prenup outfit ideas for women
  2. Where to find vintage clothes for prenup outfits in Cebu
  3. Prenup outfits for grooms-to-be
Continue reading “Vintage-Inspired Pre-Nup Idea in Cebu”

5 Tips for a Fun DIY Prenup Photoshoot in Cebu

DIY styling in prenup photoshoots was once the thing in Cebu. I loved how new brides and moms used to be cool enough to do their own styling to show their persona. Now prenup photoshoots have kind of become a mandatory pre-marriage requirement and “styling” has become a job delegated to another person who I think often imposes their own style to their clients.

  1. 5 tips to have a fun and memorable photoshoot in Cebu
    1. Bring your friends.
    2. Take the whole day off, or, best, the weekend off.
    3. Be your best selves.
    4. Wear comfortable button-down clothes.
    5. Bring comfort food, or go on a food trip along the way.
  2. Should I hire a stylist for a prenup photoshoot in Cebu?
  3. Should I hire a photographer or a videographer or both for my prenup photoshoot?
  4. How much will I spend for a prenup photoshoot in Cebu?
  5. Where are the best locations for prenup photoshoots in Cebu?
    1. Vintage-Inspired/Filipiniana Prenup locations in Cebu City
    2. Modern Prenup locations in Cebu City
    3. Nature and adventure Prenup locations in Cebu City
    4. Prenup locations outside Cebu City
  6. What if I want to save and want to have the prenup photoshoot at home?
    1. Clean your home.
    2. Buy food from outside.
    3. Improve your home’s ventilation.
  7. I want to style myself during my prenup photoshoot, any tips?
Continue reading “5 Tips for a Fun DIY Prenup Photoshoot in Cebu”